What is Numerology? Numerology is you. It began when you came into the world, you were born on a day and given
a name or as we like to say, a song. We have added the words with links to the song below, it pretty much tells
you how numerology is pertaining to us all. For many the song has been long forgotten, we'd like to help you awaken
who you are by listening to the song.
Sing, sing a song
Sing out loud
Sing out strong
Sing of good things, not bad
Sing of happy, not sad.
Sing, sing a song
Make it simple
To last your whole life long
Don't worry that it's not good enough
for anyone else to hear
Just sing, sing a song.
Sing, sing a song
Let the world sing along
Sing of love there could be
Sing for you and for me.
Sing, sing a song
Make it simple
To last your whole life long
Don't worry that it's not good enough
for anyone else to hear
Just sing, sing a song.
Words and Music by Joe Raposo
Video and song
Just like the song above...your name is a song. You were given that song when you came back into the world.
Your Birth date is also your song, the first permanent song, together these two make YOU.
WE use the Chaldean
System of Numerology. The Chaldean uses the Numbers 1 thru 8 to symbolize each alphabet. Our system is as old as time itself,
passed on to those that wanted to understand the true nature of the human soul. To know oneself each day, to awake knowing
who you are, what day is a power day and understanding when a person, or venture comes into your life at an unexpected time...well,
its not really unexpected but just what it is...Magical. This is the secret that others don't want you to remember, that you
really are in control of your destiny.
Other systems include the number 9 in their numeral calculations, but
it is written that the number 9 is the sacred number of the ONE. NO single alphabet can hold the vibration of 9 alone. Only
two together can make the union of 9 alive. This is the law and we obey it sacredly.
We know with the heart
of our soul that your report will be a well versed letter of love to you. It might be something new or something confirmed
from your everyday dreams of old,to know who you are but question that beautiful destiny so carefully laid out for you to
journey...this is the music of numbers and you.
WE hope you trust us with your numbers, we hope we give you
a gift so long forgotten, like the gift of the mother's womb...we want you to remember. We want you to breathe again, smile
more and know what others will see in your self: that you are confident knowing the kingdom is yours forever and ever
Once upon a time,when you came back to us all, someone
whispered a song, that song was your name...that name rang out and it flew with soft wings on the world again.
sang your song for you in the beginning and you carry this song...no matter what it sounds like...it's your song and you can
sing it loud...make it stronger, you can change that song and you can change the world. Yes,it truly only takes one to make
a difference.
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